Address |
(Office): Rm 103, Simon F.S. Li Marine Science Laboratory |
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Phone |
(Office): (852) 3943 8026 |
(852) 2603 5745 | |
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B.Sc. | Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
M.Phil. | The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Ph.D. | The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
- Research Assistant Professor, School of Life Sciences, CUHK
- August 2016 - December 2020, Lecturer, School of Life Sciences, CUHK
Research Interests
- Impact of climate change on marginal coral communities
- Interventions that might increase coral resilience
- Coral restoration
Representative Publications
Full publication list -
- Ang PO and Chui APY (2022) Status and Trends of East Asian Coral Reefs: 1983–2019. Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network, East Asia Region. pp 62-81.
- Price NN, Muko S, Legendre L, Steneck R, van Oppen M, Albright R, Ang PO, Carpenter RC, Chui APY, Fan TY, Gates RD, Harii S, Kitano H, Kurihara H, Mitarai S, Padilla-Gamino J, Sakai K, Suzuki G and Edmunds PJ (2019) Global biogeography of coral recruitment: tropical decline and subtropical increase. Marine Ecology Progress Series 621:1-17.
- Ng TY, Chui APY and Ang PO (2019) Onset of symbiosis in planula larvae of scleractinian corals. Hydrobiologia
- Wong KT, Chui APY, Lam EKY, Ang PO (2018) A 30-year monitoring of changes in coral community structure following anthropogenic disturbances in Tolo Harbour and Channel, Hong Kong. Marine Pollution Bulletin 133:900-910.
- Chui APY and Ang P, Jr. (2017) High tolerance to temperature and salinity change should enable scleractinian coral Platygyra acuta from marginal environments to persist under future climate change. PLoS ONE 12(6): e0179423.
- Chui APY and Ang P, Jr. (2017) Recruitment failure of scleractinian corals in a subtropical marginal environment: Three-year monitoring in a Hong Kong marine park. Marine Pollution Bulletin 124:668-677.
- Chui APY, Yeung CW, Tsang RHL, Leung YH, Ng TY, Chai KH, Ang PO (2016) Lowered temperature and reduced salinity retarded development of early life history stages of Acropora valida from the marginal environment. Regional Studies in Marine Science (In press)
- Chui APY and Ang PO (2015) Elevated temperature enhances normal early embryonic development in the coral Platygyra acuta under low salinity conditions. Coral Reefs 34:461-469.
- Lam EKY, Chui APY, Kwok CK, IP AHP, Chan SW, Leung HN, Yeung LC and Ang PO (2015) High levels of inorganic nutrients affect fertilization kinetics, early development and settlement of the scleractinian coral Platygyra acuta. Coral Reefs 34:837-848.
- Edmunds PJ, Steneck R, Albright R, Carpenter RC, Chui APY, Fan T-Y, Harii S, Kitano H, Kurihara H, Legendre L, Mitarai S, Muko S, Nozawa Y, Padilla-Gamino J, Price NN, Sakai K, Suzuki G, van Oppen M, Yarid A, Satoh NL and Gates RD (2015) Geographic variation in long-term trajectories of change in coral recruitment: a global-to-local perspective. Marine and Freshwater Research
- Chui APY, Wong MC, Liu SH, Lee GW, Chan SW, Lau PL, Leung SM and Ang PO (2014) Gametogenesis, embryogenesis, and fertilization ecology of Platygyra acuta in marginal nonreefal coral communities in Hong Kong. Journal of Marine Biology, doi:10.1155/2014/953587.
- Lee OO, Chui PY, Wong YH, Pawlik JR and Qian PY (2009) Evidence for vertical transmission of bacterial symbionts from adult to embryo in the Caribbean sponge Svenzea zeai. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 75:6147-6156.
Research Grants
(Total number: 15 grants; >HK$7 million as PI or Deputy PI)
- 2023-2024, Decadal changes in benthic and coral community structure in Hong Kong, National Geographic Grant (PI)
- 2022-2023, Provision of service for the collection of photos and videos on coral bleaching in Hong Kong, Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) (PI)
- 2022-2023, Restoration of degraded Hong Kong coral habitats using multiple active coral restoration approaches, Environment and Conservation Fund (PI)
- 2022-2023, Population structure and further studies on reproductive biology of the octocoral Guaiagorgia in Hong Kong western waters, Marine Ecology Enhancement Fund (MEEF) (PI)
- 2021-2022, Environmental tolerance of the octocoral Guaiagorgia in Hong Kong, MEEF (PI)
- 2021-2022, Provision of service for conducting a study on the biodiversity of ahermatypic Scleractinia in Hong Kong, AFCD (PI)
- 2021-2023, Feasibility study of detecting local seahorse and pipefish species in the coastal area of Hong Kong by environmental DNA (eDNA), Marine Conservation Enhancement Fund (PI)
- 2021-2023, Precision manufacturing and bioactivation of artificial reefs to facilitate coral restoration, Innovation and Technology Commission, Hong Kong SAR (Deputy-PI)
- 2021-2023, A New Seafloor Survey Technique: Using Underwater Drone and Location-aware Object Recognition for Marine Conservation, Marine Conservation Enhancement Fund (Co-I)
- 2019-2022, Re-establishing coral communities in degraded sites in Hong Kong using sexually propagated corals, 2019 Pew Fellowship in Marine Conservation (PI)
- 2019-2021, Impact of microplastics on life-history stages of hard corals. Environmental Conservation Fund (Co-I)
- 2019-2020, Organophosphate triesters and diester in coral communities. State Key Laboratory in Marine Pollution Seed Collaborative Fund (Co-I)
Teaching / Environmental Education Grants
(Total number: 18 grants; >HK$ 5 million as PI)
- 2023-2025, ECF The youth coral ambassador programme, Environment and Conservation Fund, Environmental Education and Community Action projects (PI)
- 2022-2023, Coral Academy – Journey to coral restoration. Subventions for Biodiversity Education 2022, AFCD (PI)
- 2022-2023, Provision of services for producing an education package on coral conservation in Hong Kong using virtual reality (VR) videos, AFCD (PI)
- 2021-2022, Provision of service for organising an education programme on coral conservation for local students in 2021/22, AFCD (PI)
- 2021-2022, Empowerment and mobilization of Hong Kong citizen scientists in coral restoration and conservation. World Wide Fund For Nature Hong Kong (WWFHK) (PI)
- 2021-2022, Provision of development of self-learning info pack on coral in Tolo Area, AFCD (PI)
- 2020-2022, Enhancing students’ engagement and teaching effectiveness in marine environmental education using 360o Virtual Reality. Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG) 2019-22 Triennium (PI)
- 2020-2022, Enhancing scientific communication through a Life Sciences and General Education partnership. TDLEG 2019-22 Triennium (Co-I)
- 2020-2021, Provision of service for organising an education programme on coral conservation for local students in 2020/21, AFCD (PI)
- 2020-2021, Coral Academy - Learn about coral communities in Tung Ping Chau Marine Park. Subventions for Biodiversity Education 2020, AFCD (PI)
- 2020-2021, Provision of service for designing a manual for setting up standardized coral nursery qquaria and organizing an educational boat trip for demonstrating coral restoration, AFCD (PI)
- 2019-2020, Coral Academy - learn about coral communities in Tung Ping Chau Marine Park. Subventions for Biodiversity Education 2019, AFCD (PI)
- 2019-2020, Provision of service for organising an education programme on coral conservation for local students, AFCD (PI)
- 2018-2019, Coral Academy - Learn about Hong Kong coral communities and conservation. Subventions for Biodiversity Education 2018, AFCD (PI)
- 2016-2019, Establishment of ubiquitous learning in teaching and learning science for knowledge integration (Chemistry and Life Science). TDLEG 2016-19 Triennium (Co-I)
- 2016-2019, Visual and narrative inquiry: An integrated learning platform for cross-disciplinary University general education courses. TDLEG 2016-19 Triennium (Co-I)
- University Education Award 2020, CUHK
- Finalist of the 2020 University Grants Committee Teaching Award
- PEW Fellowship in Marine Conservation 2019
- GGEF Women Eco Game Changer Awards - Eco star of China 2019
- Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award 2018, Faculty of Science, CUHK
- Outstanding Teaching Performance for College General Education Course 2017-18, Shaw College, CUHK
- Vice-Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award 2017, CUHK
- Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education 2017, CUHK
Professional Activities
- 2021-2023, Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change Expert Committee, CUHK
- 2021-2023, Education and Conservation Committee of Ocean Park Hong Kong
- 2019-2023, Country and Marine Parks Board Member, AFCD
- 2021-2022, Environmental Campaign Committee Publicity Working Group
- 2020-2022, Marine Fish Scholarship Fund Advisory Committee, AFCD
- 2019 PEW Marine Fellow
- 2017-present, State Key Laboratory in Marine Pollution Member
Invited Talks/Seminars
- “Fight for Our Coral: Together we can help restore degraded coral habitats in Hong Kong”. Coastal ecological restoration, Applied Fundamental Research Summit, organized by HKUST, 17 Sep 2022.
- “Hong Kong coral communities: Status, threats, and conservation”, The Omics in the Ocean Virtual Symposium, The 9th International Symposium for Marine Biology and Biotechnology, organized by National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium, Taiwan, 17 Jun 2022.
- “Degradation and restoration of coral communities: Experience in a marginal coral environment, Hong Kong” Seminar Series, Center for Marine Science and Innovation, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 27 Apr 2022.
- "Science outreach programs for the local community", The innovation & future of STEM education symposium: Our roles in science education for the public, organized by Hong Kong Teaching Excellence Alliance's community of practice seminar, 28 Mar 2022.
- “Hong Kong coral communities: Status, threats, and conservation”, Enriching Knowledge Series for Science (S1-3) Curriculum: Biodiversity Conservation in Hong Kong, Science Education Section of the Education Bureau of Hong Kong, 16 Dec 2021.
- “Degradation and restoration of coral communities: Experience in a marginal coral environment, Hong Kong”. Marine Recourses and Environment, 2021 Cross-straight/Hong Kong/Macao Female Scientist Forum, organized by Southern University of Science and Technology, China, 16 Oct 2021.
- “What Are We Losing? The Significant roles of Hong Kong Corals under Global Warming”. Department Seminar, organized by Department of Geography and Resource Management, CUHK, 11 Apr 2019.
- “Are Hong Kong corals worth saving?” The 13th Lau Oi Wah Memorial Science Lecture Series, organized by CUHK, 25 Feb 2017.
Popular Science Lectures (selected, more than 60)
- “Coral Mum”. Science in art, organised by Hong Kong Science Museum, 24 Sep 2022.
- “Blue is the New Green – Coral Conservation and Climate Change”. HKSEC Academy Webinar Series, organized by Center for Entrepreneurship of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, 19 Jul 2022.
- “Wonderful Relationship of Plants and Animals”. Hong Kong Wetland Park Public Lecture Series, organized by Hong Kong Wetland Park, 14 Aug, 2021.
- "A world without mangroves and corals? Ways to conserve the ocean", Sustainable Development Goals Forum Series, University General Education, 22 Apr 2021.
- Degradation and restoration of coral communities: Experience in a marginal coral environment, Hong Kong”. Annual Education Conference 2020/21, organized by Chung Chi College, CUHK, 6 Mar 2021.
- “Coral Restoration 101”. Expert Workshop, The Ocean Park STEAM Student Competition 2021, organized by The Ocean Park, 4 Feb 2021.
- "《Coral Academy》A Journey to Coral Restoration”. Public Seminar on Marine Parks & Marine Ecological Resources, organized by AFCD, 29 Aug 2020.
- “Keep an eye out for Baby Corals”. Public Seminar on Marine Parks & Marine Ecological Resources, organized by AFCD, 18 Aug 2019.
- “Why marine ecological knowledge matters to photographer and videographer?”. Hong Kong Underwater Photo and Video Competition Kick-off Ceremony, organized by AFCD, 11 May 2019.
- “Underwater world of corals.” Expert-led exploration in nature of Hong Kong - USSP 15th Anniversary Alumni Ecology Seminar Series, organized by Ocean Park Conservation Foundation, Hong Kong, 12 Jan 2019.
- “Nature’s rules: Winners always know how to equip themselves.” Hong Kong Wetland Park Public Lecture Series, 27 May 2018.
- “Growing baby corals – A long term commitment to Hong Kong coral conservation.” HK Science Festival Public Seminar, organized by Hong Kong Science Museum, 22 Apr 2018.
- “Amazing Hong Kong’s biodiversity: Marine and Terrestrial.” Public Seminar, organized by Conservation International, 26 Oct 2017.